Dr. Mallory Aye-Englert


Dr. Mallory Aye-Englert joined ilumina this past September.

Why did you become a Naturopathic Physician?

For as long as I can remember, I have been committed to becoming a physician. In college, I realized that conventional medicine was not a good fit for me. I was and continue to be, fascinated by the “why” behind physical and mental illness. While preparing to apply to conventional medical school, I became frustrated. After a few years of searching, I found naturopathic medicine. I loved that the tenants of naturopathic medicine include, “identify the root cause of illness” and “treat the whole person.” I immediately decided to become a naturopathic medical doctor.  


What have you learned along the way?

When I first began naturopathic medical school, I had a rigid understanding of what health was and how to achieve it. Since, I have come to realize and learn that health is nuanced and complex. We do not just arrive at health, it is a path that is unique to each individual, and is something that is always changing. I also know the factors that influence health are complex and go beyond what foods you eat or supplements you are taking. How we were raised, our social support, environment, and how we view ourselves in the world all impact health. I love working with patients on all aspects that influence health.


What services are you offering at ilumina?

I am trained and licensed as a primary care provider. I am providing naturopathic medical care primarily for women in multiple aspects of life. I am passionate about working with women who are looking for support navigating transitions in their life. I work with patients to meet their health goals by discussing lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine and supplementation, comprehensive and functional lab testing, as well as pharmaceuticals or bioidentical hormones. My residency was at Sierra Tucson, a residential treatment center where I received additional training and experience in working with patients with mental health concerns and chronic pain conditions.

I am also trained in pelvic floor therapy. I work with women that experience pelvic pain, have a history of trauma, and need pelvic floor rehab following a pregnancy.

I am looking forward to working with women who are excited to start a family and have questions about optimizing fertility and preconception care. I work with moms who are wanting to optimize their health or improve energy, women transitioning into menopause, and anyone interested in optimizing, and better understanding the holistic nature of health and wellbeing.